where, A : weight of empty plate
(g) B : cumulative weight of plate and sample before heating (g)
C : cumulative weight of plate and sample after heating (g)
Sensory evaluation was carried out by two newly trained panelists using the fresh fish organoleptic assessment document as described in SNI 01-2729.1-2006 form (Appendix A). This protocol was used due to the unavailability of the most recent one at the time of the experiment. Whole fish samples were examined physically for general appearance of skin/texture, color and appearance of flesh, odor and color and form of eyes. Defect points from nine (excellent grade) to seven (threshold) were at the acceptability range, and points lower than seven indicated rejection from panelists. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) were carried out using PASW Statistics 18 software (IBM® SPSS®), at 95 % confident level, to see the effects of nanochitosan treatment, temperature difference and storage time in the context of the interaction between nanochitosan treatment and temperature to TVB results obtained.