This study was conducted to assess the adherence to ART medication regimens among HIV-infected/
AIDThe purpose of this study was to test a causal relationship model of factors influencing role performance
of village health volunteers in public health region 18. Kanter’s structural theory of power in organizations,
and the ideas about psychological empowerment of Thomas and Velhouse and Spreitzer has provided a
guide for the conceptual framework of this study. The research instruments were eight set of questionnaires:
1) Personal Data, 2) Job Characteristic, 3) Community Relationship, 4) Volunteerism, 5) Work Empowerment,
6) Self-Esteem, 7) Job Satisfaction, and 8) Community Commitment. Using Cronbach’s alpha criteria,
reliability of the questionnaire were .80 - .96. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, the confirmatory
factor analysis and the test for the fitness between the hypothesis model and the empirical data were done
by statistical program.