Every night I fear my life," Byungjoo recites against Namjoon's cheek. "I fear my love will not return, and together we will burn."
"Hm?" Namjoon hums, lifting her head from where she was sucking a hickey onto Byungjoo's pulse point. "Where's that from?"
"Some lyrics I heard," Byungjoo mumbles. She pushes Namjoon's dreadlocks behind her ear, scrunching her nose at the texture of it. Namjoon chuckles and sits back on her ankles, digging a rubber band out of her pocket to tie her hair up with. Byungjoo watches her lift her arms over her head and her breasts move slightly with every shift of her body. She presses her palm flat against Namjoon's tan stomach, feeling the younger girl flex her muscles and grin down at Byungjoo.