1. Steam
Inhaling steam is the easiest, least expensive way to free your nasal passages of phlegm. Stand in a hot shower in a closed bathroom for ten minutes or boil a pan of water, turn off the heat, and lean over the pan with a towel draped over your head. Be careful not to burn yourself! Try moist, warm packs on your face to alleviate sinus pressure pain and facilitate the flow of mucus from the sinuses.
2. Salted Water
A salt-water gargle is another effective way to break up mucus. The salt aids in destroying infection-causing bacteria, which reduces phlegm production. Warm water is soothing to the throat. Stir a quarter teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and gargle. Repeat several times a day.
3. Ginger
This natural decongestant has been known to combat respiratory tract infections, colds and their side effects for generations. With antibacterial, antiviral, and expectorant properties, ginger eases congestion and relieves mucus build-up. In a cup of boiled water, place a tablespoon of freshly sliced ginger, and steep for a few minutes. Add a couple of teaspoons of honey for flavor and healing properties.