But different interpretations of Islam continued to be made. Whether these were the results of problems brought about by changing eras or the political leaderships in these two sides, scholars continued to make rulings (fatwas) all the time. At the same time, some scholars introduced their own ruling and formed groups or tariqat and others. To support them, many of them created hadiths which had no real basis.
Two hundred years after hijrah, Imam Bukhari collected a total of 6000000 hadiths. Out of these, he only verified 7000 and rejected about 593000 which he believed were false and not genuine.
Other hadith scholars such as Muslim and Tarmizi accepted even less than the 7000. There were hadiths accepted by Imam Bukhari but rejected by other scholars who also studied them, and vice versa.
This happened only 200 years after hijrah . After this, a lot of hadiths were created by other people. There were many opinions, interpretations and fatwas made and supported by various means. Some of them were rejected by scholars who came much later but this did not deter anyone form continuing to make fatwas without proper procedures approved by Islam. Hence, the different interpretations.