This story was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is an adventure about a detective called Sherlock Holmes. A friend of Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson, tells the story.
Sherlock Holmes is not a policeman. He is a private detective. People pay him to find things that are lost or stolen. Holmes also solves mysteries and catches criminals.
This story takes place in 1889. There were no tele¬phones at this time. If someone wanted to send an important message quickly, they sent a telegram.
The Hound of the Baskervilies takes place in the south¬west of England on Dartmoor. Dartmoor is a wild and lonely place. Not many people live there. Dartmoor can be a dangerous place to live too.
On Dartmoor there are many high, rocky hills. These hills are called tors. There are also pieces of land called mires. These are areas of soft, very deep mud with grass growing on top. Men and animals who fall into the mires can die.