Abstract: Human resource information system (HRIS) is not new concept but it is recuperating day by day with
changing environment. Its major role is in human resource planning (HRP) which itself a crucial activity in any
organization. Ineffective HRP can lead to extra or fewer numbers of employees than needed. Both over and
under number of employees can create crappy situations. HRIS helps in proper planning of human resources.
This paper focuses on the role of HRIS in HRP. The research is empirical in nature as 127 respondents from top
7 IT companies (as per their market share) are taken to see the sights of the objectives. The survey is done with
the assistance of the questionnaire. After investigation it is concluded that HRIS has various benefits but the
foremost is HRIS stores ample data about the employees of the organizations that helps in escalating the snail’s
pace of HRP. HRIS also helps in the strategic activities of HR managers and more in training and development,
succession planning, applicant tracking in recruitment and selection and manpower planning. While analyzing
the overall contribution of HRIS in HRP it is concluded that HRIS identifies occupied and unoccupied positions
in an organization very effectively and accurately.
Keywords – Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), Human Resource Planning (HRP), Information
Technology companies, Advantages of HRIS, Uses of HRIS.