fabrics. Malden used the consortium's research to dentify new opportunities for its materials, forecast future demand trends, and secure a $20 million working capital loan guarantee from the U.S. xport-Import Bank (which was later raised to $35 million). The resulting expansion in export sales to France, Korea, and the United Kingdom allowed Malden Mills to better utilize its capacity and to continue to make textile prod ucts in the United States, despite the fact that the ndustry as a whole has been in rapid decline due to globalization and the rise of low cost manufacturers in developing nations. Today over half of Malden Mills sales are due to exports 1 Case Discussion Questions l. What are the main benefits of exporting for com panies like Morgan and Wadia? 2. What would be the outlook for a company like Morgan Motors if it neither exported nor mported? 3. What impediments t exporting success do com panies such as Morgan and Wadia face? What steps can these companies take to improve their probability of succeeding in export markets? 1. Is it legitimate for local and national government agencies to use taxpayer money to help small companies export