Left Stick to move the character.
Right Stick to move the camera.
Hold LB to run.
Tap RB to laugh. Tap repeatedly to laugh louder.
Hold down RB to activate “Yandere Vision”.
Hold down LT to take out your smartphone. Then use RT to snap a picture.
Click in the Left Stick to spawn a trail that leads to class.
Click in the Right Stick to crouch. Hold it down to crawl.
Press Start to pause the game. Use the ‘A’ button to move forward through the menus, and the ‘B’ button to move back through the menus.
During a conversation with a student, use the Left Stick to highlight a dialogue option, and use the ‘A’ button to make a selection.
Use the D-pad to select a weapon. ‘Down’ on the D-pad will de-equip your current weapon, or drop whatever item you are currently carrying.