source-separated collection rate (SCR) in the eight cities varies
from 8.9–40.1%. In addition, the quantity of recyclables collected
by residents occupies a larger percentage of the total quantity of
recyclables. These facts indicate that the household collection rate
(HCR) contributes much more to SCR than the municipal collection
rate (MCR).
The effectiveness of MSW source-separated collection also differs
in the eight pilot cities. Residents demonstrated different initiatives
in doing MSW separation. Fig. 4 presents the growth
trend of PHS during the eight-year period. PHS increased greatly
in Beijing and Shanghai, respectively. While in other cities, PHS is
still under 15%, showing imperfection of MSW separation facilities
and a lower public awareness of source separation.
Depending on the different types of collection bins and the
width of the road, MSW is collected by using various types of vehicles
(Chiplunkar et al., 1981). In Beijing and Shanghai, the experimental
communities are required to use special collection
vehicles to avoid ‘‘separate at the source but mix in the midway’’