Last night Christchurch experienced another aftershock to add to the thousands we have endured since our first major earthquake measuring at 7.2 in magnitude on September 4, 2010. Miraculously, no lives were lost in this initial earthquake, but homes and buildings were destroyed, and entire suburbs were swamped with liquefaction (a concrete, sandy liquid which appears out of nowhere). In the aftermath, the absent death toll was the beacon of hope all Cantabrians clung too, as people suffered with vertigo, motion sickness, loss of homes and businesses, and started the long journey of making complicated insurance claims. Soon though, enough time had passed that the earthquake was reduced to a topic reserved for informal chit-chat, and the subsequent after shocks were dealt with in an almost blasé manner. That was until February 21, 2011. This is when an earthquake measuring 6.3 in magnitude hit the city in the middle of the day. Even though it was smaller in magnitude than the initial one, it felt like a 8.2, due to many factors that I have long since forgotten. That day my hometown suffered crippling damage resulting in our CBD being cordoned off for a year under army surveillance. Despite Christchurch going through all of this before, the damage was far greater this time, bouncing back quickly was never going to be an option. But even more devastatingly, we lost 180 lives that day.