Chapter 4,Establishment based surveys
- The main objective of this chapter is to present the technical issue that are specific to the production of statistics on work-related income through establishment surveys, e.g.,the issue that need to be considered when using establishment surveys to collect data on work related income. It is not a comprehensive guide to establishment surveys, as general methodological guidance on establishment surveys is available elsewhere.References will be provided for those interested.
-The Chapter will have a number of sections.For each section,one or more recommendations will be put forward, provide arguments to support them and accompany them with practical examples from countries to illustrate some of the challenges and design demand that need to be considered and how they are being addressed. References to resources will also be provided for additional reading.
The first section will deal with general design issue for each type of surveys,such as : periodicity ,reference periods, measurement unit, what to measure ,usefulness of using administrative registers,mode of data collection, etc. The next sections will revolve around the need a) to arrive at complete worker coverage,b) to reduce response burden and response errors,and c) to increase timeliness :
- To arrive at complete worker coverage, this chapter will advocate the use of area-based establishment surveys, or mixed surveys, to cover those establishment which are nit covered by conventional list-based frames.
- To reduce response burden and response errors it will discuss questionnaire design issue.