Participants indicated whether their current
relationship status was “single,” “married/
domestic partner,” “engaged or committed
dating relationship,” “separated,” “divorced,”
or “widowed.” Only those who indicated that
they were “single” (scored as 0) or in an
“engaged or committed dating relationship”
(scored as 1) were included in the data analysis
because including the small number of
married, divorced, and bereaved individuals
would have led to considerable imbalance
in the statistical analyses, which would have
proven too much of a threat to the statistical
validity of the study
Participants indicated whether their currentrelationship status was “single,” “married/domestic partner,” “engaged or committeddating relationship,” “separated,” “divorced,”or “widowed.” Only those who indicated thatthey were “single” (scored as 0) or in an“engaged or committed dating relationship”(scored as 1) were included in the data analysisbecause including the small number ofmarried, divorced, and bereaved individualswould have led to considerable imbalancein the statistical analyses, which would haveproven too much of a threat to the statisticalvalidity of the study
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