1. Introduction
Recent estimates indicate that all marine ecosystems are
touched by a host of physical, chemical and biological anthropogenic
changes, with as much as 41% of the world’s marine ecosystems
‘‘strongly affected by multiple drivers” (Halpern et al., 2008).
Losses to marine biodiversity are occurring on a global scale
through species extinctions, population depletions, and community
homogenization as a result of overfishing, climate change,
invasive species and pollution; and, this loss is expected to continue
to occur, if not accelerate, with ecological collapses and shifts
in entire biological communities (Sala and Knowlton, 2006). And,
while we have disparate social science addressing marine issues,
1. IntroductionRecent estimates indicate that all marine ecosystems aretouched by a host of physical, chemical and biological anthropogenicchanges, with as much as 41% of the world’s marine ecosystems‘‘strongly affected by multiple drivers” (Halpern et al., 2008).Losses to marine biodiversity are occurring on a global scalethrough species extinctions, population depletions, and communityhomogenization as a result of overfishing, climate change,invasive species and pollution; and, this loss is expected to continueto occur, if not accelerate, with ecological collapses and shiftsin entire biological communities (Sala and Knowlton, 2006). And,while we have disparate social science addressing marine issues,
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1. Introduction
Recent estimates indicate that all marine ecosystems are
touched by a host of physical, chemical and biological anthropogenic
changes, with as much as 41% of the world’s marine ecosystems
‘‘strongly affected by multiple drivers” (Halpern et al., 2008).
Losses to marine biodiversity are occurring on a global scale
through species extinctions, population depletions, and community
homogenization as a result of overfishing, climate change,
invasive species and pollution; and, this loss is expected to continue
to occur, if not accelerate, with ecological collapses and shifts
in entire biological communities (Sala and Knowlton, 2006). And,
while we have disparate social science addressing marine issues,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..