Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable.
Instability Temperature: Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Excess heat, ignition sources, incompatible materials, water/moisture, air, dust generation.
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Incompatibility with various substances:
Reactive with oxidizing agents, acids. Slightly reactive to reactive with moisture.
Corrosivity: Not considered to be corrosive for metals and glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Hot iron(wire) burns in Chlorine gas. Violent decompositon of hydrogen peroxide (53% by weight or greater) may be caused
by contact with iron. Readily oxidizes in moist air forming rust. Reactive with halogens. Incompatible with acetaldehyde,
ammonium peroxodisulfate, chloroformamidinum, chloric acid, ammonium nitrate, dinitorgen tetroxide, nitryl fluoride,
polystyrene, sodium acetylide, potassium dichromate, peroxyformic acid, sulfuric acid, sodium carbide. Readily attacked by
dilute mineral acids and or attacked or dissolved by organic acids. Not appreciably attacked by cold sulfuric acid, or nitric acid,
but is attacked by hot acids.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.