In many countries, aquaculture is a major thrust area
which improves community progress, food security and
poverty mitigation and as the source of livelihood [15].
Litopenaeus vannamei (L. vannamei) is the most important
shrimp species in terms of aquaculture production. Other
important species are Penaeus monodon (P. monodon),
Penaeus chinensis, Penaeus merguiensis, Penaeus japonicus
and F. indicus. L. vannamei has several advantages
compared to other cultured species. These include the
availability of specific pathogen free (SPF) and specific
pathogen resistant (SPR) strains, a higher growth rate,
suitability to be higher stocking density, tolerance to a
wider range of temperature and salinity, a lower protein
requirement in diet, easier to breed and higher survival in
larval rearing. These aspects could explain the increasing
preference to culture this species. This information will
expand our knowledge and may contribute to develop
effective prophylactic or therapeutic measures. Recent
studies have shown that viruses have the ability to
manipulate the life histories and understanding of the hosts
in remarkable ways, challenging our understanding of the
almost invisible world of viruses[16].