Diagnosis.– Sphaerolichus with the
following combinations of character states:
median eye under naso; one pair of lens-like
Diagnosis.– Sphaerolichus with the
following combinations of character states:
median eye under naso; one pair of lens-like
lateral eyes (post-ocular body absent);
strong prodorsal apodeme present; seta exp
posteriad of level of trichobothrium sci;
palpal tarsus relatively short; brush-like
dorso-distal seta on palpal tarsus; coxal
setation 2-3-1-9; two spear-like trichobothria
on tibia I; three hypertrophied setae on tibia
I, two of which behind tibial dorsal
concavity; three spear-like trichobothria on
tarsus I; and solenidial counts of genua I-IV