Assumption 1: dilution by interstitial fluid is
negligible. In mammals, compacted proteoglycan
filaments trap the interstitial fluid and make
it flow about 250,000 times more slowly than
it would do in an open space. Even a fall in
the interstitial pressure, as may occur in a
bleeding situation, hardly affects the interstitial
volume (Guyton, 1991). If a similar structure
exists in the fish interstitium, any mobilization
of interstitial fluid during blood sampling must
be negligible.
Assumption 1: dilution by interstitial fluid isnegligible. In mammals, compacted proteoglycanfilaments trap the interstitial fluid and makeit flow about 250,000 times more slowly thanit would do in an open space. Even a fall inthe interstitial pressure, as may occur in ableeding situation, hardly affects the interstitialvolume (Guyton, 1991). If a similar structureexists in the fish interstitium, any mobilizationof interstitial fluid during blood sampling mustbe negligible.
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