There is some problem for the meat and chicken that we cut at Beef pro, since Beef pro doesn’t have any certificate which shows that meat and chicken which are killed at their factory are safe from Foot and mouth disease, and also don’t have GMP certification .
Because normally as the rule of Department of Livestock Development every meat must be safe from Foot and mouth disease, which means the factory should get inspection and get certificate to certify that their meat is qualify.
For this case , it is the problem for us because we send the meat and chicken to Pattaya which is in western area and now the Department of Livestock Development is strict with this issue and especially western area. Thus, from now on when we send the meat we should have both certificates to show to Department of Livestock Development.
Do you have any advice to solve this problem , should RYG talk with beef pro to register both certifications ? or we will take a risk for transportation meat each time? Could you please discuss with RYG.
Thank you very much.