Leklai in Thailand has many type which all is mineral. Some of Leklai is mineral which born in the world and some of Leklai is mineral from outside world.
Types of Leklai is mineral from outside space it has the ability to contract and expand when heated by fire. Procedure of cut required ceremony by knowledgeable people.
This types of Leklai is similar to a living organism eat honey as food. If honey is dry, Leklai will become common minerals. This types of Leklai has led to scientific investigation and it was unable to determine the type because the minerals from the outside space then It is not available in any category of the periodic table of the world. This types of Leklai has become known all over the world in World War 2. because German people come to buy this types of Leklai in Thailand with a cost more than $1,000,000 in that period. This types of Leklai is the best ,a most rare and most expensive,which the different from types of Rainbow Leklai that can be detected in the periodic table because born in the world.