Once upon the time there was a called Olin,who lived in a cottage in a valley in the forest. One day the woodcutter went hunting and left his dog Vik to look after he his baby son. after he had left some wolves came out of the wood and ran toward the cottage. So the dog ran outside and fought the wolves. Vik was outnumbered, but it managed to kill two of them. The rest ran off. The dog was tired and wounded,then it lay down to rest. When the woodcutter returned,he saw that his son's cot was empty and the dog was covered in blood. In his anger,he took his sword, and he was going to kill Vik while the dog was sleeping. Just then he heard the baby cry,and he looked through the window. When he saw the two dead wolves, he understood what had happened. So he rushed to help Vik,but the faithful dog was dead from its wounds