have access to or enter any land, Building or structure governed by this By-law between the hours
of 6:00 am and 9:00 p.m. and may conduct an inspection.
16.2 No inspector may enter a Building or structure that is also a dwelling without the consent of the
occupant or without first obtaining and producing a warrant.
16.3 An inspector conducting an inspection shall produce identification issued by the clerk of the
Corporation upon request.
17. Powers on Inspection
17.1 Any inspector conducting an inspection may inspect the land, Building or structure and may
question a Person on manners relevant to the inspection.
17.2 No Person shall hinder or obstruct an inspector lawfully conducting an inspection under this
17.3 Any Person who contravenes Subsection 17.2 is guilty of an offence.
18. Application for Warrant
18.1 An inspector may apply to a Justice of the Peace for a warrant if:
(a) the inspector has been denied access or entry to any land, Building or structure;
(b) the inspector has been instructed or directed to leave any land, Building or structure; or
(c) the inspector has been obstructed in the conduct of the inspection.
19. Offence and Penalty