Abstract: The potential of 30 μm thickness High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) bags with, 1x40, 2x40,3x40
microperforations and no-bags (control) for maintaining the quality of “Key“acid lime fruits during storage has
been investigated. The influence of storage temperatures (10 and 20°C) and storage periods (5 and 10 weeks)
was evaluated. The greenest and firmest fruits were found in microperforated polyethylene bags compared with
no polybags when stored at 10°C. At 20°C, fruit were less green and firm, although fruit kept in microperforated
polybags were consistently greener than fruit without polybags. The benefit of using microperforated polybags
declined with increasing storage periods. However, vitamin C and color value (a* value) of fruits was supper