It all started when Younha was answering the qn about when she intends to get married keke. People started shouting out random names, one of which was Jeong Junyeong, whom she recently worked with and dueted with.This deserves a separate post because he is soo adorable/messy-haired/idc/badboy haha.So she was like Jeong Junyeong is here today actually (he was about 3 seats in front of me in the audience) and asked him, we’re just friends right? Right? Haha he couldn’t take it anymore and was going to make his escape, but she called him back and said he had to come onstage to play a few songs later. I got to catch a glance of him up close when he turned to climb up the stairs though, woww indeed. No wonder he has so many female fans.