Your Plan Should Take in these Factors
Where you are — where you want to go — how you might get there.
• Set yourself goals and objectives (achievable ones).
• Define your market and start with your present customer base.
• Understand your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT Analysis).
• Establish a marketing strategy.
• Implement tactics to achieve this strategy.
• Define the difference between marketing and advertisement. Advertisement is only one part of your marketing plan/budget.
• Look from the outside in. Fish bowl your workplace — stand at the front door of your business and have a real good look in.
• Do a budget on how much you need to spend to make real financial growth. A rule of thumb is to spend on marketing 5% of your gross income, up to 10% for start ups of a new café in the first year.
• Use a calendar and have a new marketing initiative every month.