As can be seen in Fig. 5, the fermentation result was comparable using raw OPF juice and/or model OPF juice as sole carbon source.
The performance of A. succinogenes with sugar mixture imitating real OPF juice was superior with a final succinic acid concentration as much as 23 g/L and a yield of 0.77 g/g
from Fig. 6. Even though the succinic acid concentration was slightly higher in model OPF juice, the difference can be overlooked considering the much cheaper source of sugars in case of raw OPF juice. The results implied that OPF juice can replace the costly pure sugar mixture to function as a carbon source for succinic acid fermentation. Moreover, by-products formation during real OPF juice fermentation was relatively low (0.7 g/L of formic acid, 0.6 g/L of acetic acid and 0.4 g/L of ethanol) compared to product formation (succinic acid). Total sugar utilization was 73% with the final biomass of 5.6 g/L.