[26/11/2014 17:33:00] SRoque - Jose Portilha: where do these sounds come from?
[26/11/2014 17:33:43] Rung: the gear box
[26/11/2014 17:35:23] SRoque - Jose Portilha: ok, on the electrical board on the machine base you
can find an ABB inverter on the right side
[26/11/2014 17:35:56] SRoque - Jose Portilha: using the key pad I will lead you to some parameters I
need to check
[26/11/2014 17:36:11] SRoque - Jose Portilha: press the menuenter key
[26/11/2014 17:36:21] SRoque - Jose Portilha: use the arrow to reach PAR
[26/11/2014 17:36:36] SRoque - Jose Portilha: (with the machine stopped)
[26/11/2014 17:36:47] SRoque - Jose Portilha: press enter
[26/11/2014 17:37:06] SRoque - Jose Portilha: use the arrow keys to reach 12
[26/11/2014 17:37:10] SRoque - Jose Portilha: press enter
[26/11/2014 17:37:23] SRoque - Jose Portilha: use the arrow keys to go to 1202
[26/11/2014 17:37:27] SRoque - Jose Portilha: press enter
[26/11/2014 17:38:06] SRoque - Jose Portilha: and let me know the values from parameters 1202 up
to 1204
[27/11/2014 15:59:18] SRoque - Jose Portilha: ok, please check the instructions I sent yesterday
regarding the parameter checking and let me know
[27/11/2014 16:02:45] Rung: 1202 8.0 Hz
1203 23.0 Hz
1204 7.0 Hz
[27/11/2014 16:03:47] SRoque - Jose Portilha: everything is ok there, lets check
[27/11/2014 16:04:17 | แก้ไขแล้ว 16:04:24] SRoque - Jose Portilha: 2202
[27/11/2014 16:05:14] SRoque - Jose Portilha: and finally