I and others, paid a visit Bai Yuan Elder.” Sees Bai Yuan Half Emperor to appear, Yuhua Sect Sect Master, as well as numerous position Yuhua Sect Elder, all serves with the big ritual.
Only at this moment, has not saluted then only has, white Suyan, Bai Ruo Chen, Chu Feng as well as Sima Ying.
Properly speaking, Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen were still Azure Tree Mountain disciple, saw that Bai Yuan Half Emperor should salute, but now and Azure Tree Mountain makes to this paddies, Chu Feng cannot confirm that this Bai Yuan Half Emperor was the enemy is a friend, therefore naturally cannot salute.
„Is good your Zhou Zhixian, is really mean enough.”
„I said that your where has good intention such, Yuhua Sect turns into this, you did not blame me, instead urged me therapy, does for quite a while to move the reinforcement, in protracted time.” At this moment, white Suyan flies into a rage, thought one were the idea of Yuhua Sect Sect Master.
Indignant, her thought moves, then wants to display Martial Technique, wants with a Bai Yuan Half Emperor war, leaves this place is apt to get into trouble fast.
But has not thought that she not only received the flesh wound, the internal injury is also extremely, during Martial Energy reassignments, not only cannot succeed, instead is mouth slightly, „puff”, has put out a big blood.
„Mother.” Saw this, Bai Ruo Chen has scared immediately, she first time saw that her mother carried such heavy wound.
„Suyan, you misunderstood me, I do not know that Bai Yuan Elder came this.” But at this moment, Yuhua Sect Sect Master is also hurries to explain.
„You do not need to be anxious, I come this for you, is not willing to manage your other people's business.”
„I come this to be for Chu Feng and Sima Ying.” Bai Yuan Half Emperor opens the mouth to say suddenly, during speeches, looked to Chu Feng, said: „Chu Feng, your matter I heard that who is whose I do not know.”
„Hong Mo they, had been put from the penalty department by me, the person of penalty department, I have also served with the disciplinary punishment. Returns to Azure Tree Mountain with me, I will give you a reasonable confession.”
„Hong Mo Elder were they, all right?” Hears this words, the Chu Feng great happiness, he can see from Bai Yuan Half Emperor that clear vision that the opposite party as if not lie.
„Absolutely true.” Bai Yuan Half Emperor, nodded with a smile, he manner to Chu Feng, extremely friendly.
„This may really be good.” Determined that Hong Mo Elder they were already all right, Chu Feng very happy, like a giant heart knot, finally has untied generally.
„Many thanks Bai Yuan Elder helps one another, but Chu Feng now, does not prepare Azure Tree Mountain.” However turns over to happily happily, Chu Feng said own idea.
„Are you plan to leave Azure Tree Mountain?” Hears this words, on the face of Bai Yuan Half Emperor, emerges to wipe to worry.
„Returns to Bai Yuan Elder, Chu Feng does not plan to be separated from Azure Tree Mountain, but Chu Feng wants temporarily to leave Azure Tree Mountain, exits informed and experienced.” Chu Feng said.
„Originally is this, that does not know that informed and experienced where you do prepare to go?” Bai Yuan Half Emperor asked.
„I prepare please the white senior, breaks the cut-off energy, first delivers Sima Ying to return to the master alliance, where goes to as for me, has not decided.”
When Chu Feng speech, has taken white Suyan specially, suggested that white Suyan prepares to help in them, hopes that Bai Yuan Half Emperor because of the matter of Yuhua Sect, do not press white Suyan.
„Em, is good.”
„Before I come this, was held by Hong Mo, must recommend for admission to school Sima Ying to return to the master alliance, it seems like we must travel together.” Bai Yuan Half Emperor said.
„No need, I deliver them to be able, having no need for you meddling.” May at this moment, white Suyan actually be flatly refuses.
Heard this words, Bai Yuan Half Emperor the brow slightly wrinkle, in the eye to flash through immediately has wiped disgruntledly, the anger shouted to clear the way: „Really is dissolute.”