Only items in the third column of the remake system count for this one. It’s very important that you constantly check the entire map for message boxes and go into each landmass whenever the word “NEW” is in the corner of its name as this will indicate new info sources to gather info from so that you will have the most recipes possible to work with. From there, just keep creating items as they pop up and, in the case of accessories, if you notice that you have all of the materials necessary to make an item, but not the required accessory, buy the accessory to make the item. Also, if you notice that you have at least one of every item necessary to create an item, go into the monster glossary (From the home screen, go into the second-to-last option and go into the third option from there to get the monster glossary) and check for the item in each monster’s item drop list. If a monster has the item, check right above the item drop list to see what dungeon they are in. If you see a “-“, then either you have to flip the tough foe recipe on or off in the dungeon or it’s a story boss (though the latter should only happen in case of non-item recipes). It is recommended that you make use of the screen shot feature of the Vita (press and at the same time) to better keep track of what you are looking for in the monster glossary and, once you find it, where you need to go to get it. To see your screenshots, go into the Photos app on your Vita and select gallery from the LiveArea screen. From there, go into Screenshots and there should be a folder for this game if you took any screenshots within it.
In any case, you should get the majority of the items without even trying, especially if you loot the dungeons a few times both with and without the harvest change on.