of colostrum were collected from cows within 2 h after
parturition. Blood samples from the jugular vein were
collected from the calves on the 3rd and 21st d of life into
two test tubes with a coagulant and were centrifuged.
The separated serum was frozen at -20oC and stored
until analysis. In all colostrum samples, the density
(DMA 35N Density Meter), protein and lactose content
(Infrared Milk Analyzer 150, Bentley Instruments Inc.),
somatic cell count (Somacount 150, Bentley Instruments
Inc.), and urea concentration (ChemSpec 150, Bentley
Instruments Inc.) were measured. In the colostrum and
blood serum samples, the concentration of
immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) was determined by
ELISA kits (Bethyl Inc.)