On December 26, 2004,the earthquake caused a powerful tsunami that devastated coastlines around the Indian Ocean. The popular tourist resort of Phuket was badly hit. After the earthquake, the tsunami
hit Thailand at Kata and Patong beach in Phuket first. The height of the waves was
about 4-5 meters (2). Less than 10 min later, the tsunami struck the Khao-Lak area, a
renowned tourist attraction site. The height of the waves at Khao-Lak was even
higher, up to 10 meters (2). Within a half an hour of the strike, the areas were flood
and subsequently covered by mud and debris. An estimated 8,500 victims were
injured and 5,395 were killed by the tsunami. The force of the waves destroyed
everything in its path. The Thai authorities together with volunteer rescue teams from
across Thailand and other nations mobilized to rescue and treat the victims.