We understand from Nghia that IWS was looking into shipping 2x20’ Containers of RSO 75cl (660 cartons per container x 2 containers = 1320 cartons) from Vietnam to Thailand for IWS. We have successfully secure Certificate of Origin issued for IWS for such 2 containers. I also understand that IWS accepts that the bottles will have RSA labels on if we arrange to ship from Vietnam.
Can you therefore confirm by sending PO for either 660 cartons or 1320 cartons, and also confirm on the PO that RSA labels on bottles are accepted for these quantities. The attached PO from Krittirada shows 756 cartons, which we cannot do in 1 container if shipment is from Vietnam, also it mentioned no Beam Global labels are accepted.
Can you help arrange for revised POs issued today so that I can update status with Russia.
Thanks and regards,