Jones and Shao (2011) explain that while first-time students entering higher education are par-ticularly impacted by social networking technologies, services that support the uploading sharing and manipulation of media such as YouTube, and the use of mobile devices, students do not enter the university with particular demands for the use of new technologies. Further, they explain that “The gap between students and their teachers is not fixed, nor is the gulf so large that it cannot be bridged” (Jones & Shao, 2011, p 1). According to their findings students prefer the moderate use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their courses, viewing the use of course management systems, e-books, and online libraries positively. With respect to the use of new technologies such as blogs, wikis, and 3D virtual worlds, Jones and Shao (2011) also found that students positively respond to the incorporation of new technologies into the teaching and learning process provided that the technology usage is well-conceived, purposeful, and properly integrated into the learning process