็History : Intermittent left numbness and weakness, R/O TIA or lacunar infrarct
Findings: The study reveals an old lacunar infarction at the lentiform nuleus. No mess lestion, acute infarction, intrancranial hemorrhage or extra-axial fluid collection is found. There is no mildline shift, brain herniation, or hydrocephalus. The cerebellum and brainstem are normal.
The MRA study: shows normal flow-related enhancement of the intracranial arteries, with no significant focal stenosis, aneurysm or vascular malformatiom. The cervical arteries are unremarkable.
There is a small mucous retention cyst at the right maxillary sinus, with mild mucosal thickening at bilateral maxillary sinuses. The visualized orbits, remaining paranasal sinuses and mastoids are unremarkable. Mild mucasal thickening at the nasapharynx is seen, could be mild lymphoid hyperplasia.
1.An old lacunar infarction at the left lentiform nucleus
2.Unremarkable remaining braib parenchyma
3.Normal MRA of the brain and neck.
4.Mild mucosal thickening at the nasopharynx, could be mild lymphoid hyperplasia.