Hello my beautiful Phannee EmojiEmoji
Today I have been watching my grandsons play cricket. Now I have returned home and I am cooking dinner for 14 people. Three daughters and their husbands, seven of my grandchildren, and me. I am cooking a traditional English roast dinner. Roast beef with roast potatoes, carrots, brocolli, green cabbage, red cabbage, parsnips, and yorkshire puddings. Would you like to be here with me ? you would taste my cooking haha, and meet all my family. I will teach you to cook English food if you teach me to cook Thai food. I like Thai food because it is spicy.
What have you been doing today ? Have you been out somewhere ? Where do you go, and what do you do, in your spare time ? What kind of work do you do ? I want to know more about you darling.
Kisses and hugs from your Peter xxxxx