Quality Definition and Quality Costs OBJECTIVE.
Quality attributes such as performance and aesthetics are important to customers. performance
to how consistently and how well a product functions. Aesthetics is concerned with the appearance of tangible products as well as the appearance of the facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials associated with services.
1.Do you agree that aesthetics is an important quality dimension for services? Use dental services
as the framework for providing your response.
2. F or services, performance can be more carefully defined by expanding its definition to include responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Describe what you think is meant by these three characteristics as applied to service quality.
Exercise 14.9 Taguchi Loss Function OBJECTIVE.
Stahman, Inc., estimates its hidden external failure costs using the Taguchi loss function. Stahman
produces plastic sheets that vary in thickness and grade. For one of its large-volume products,
it was determined that k= $30,000 and T= 0.28 inches in diameter. A sample of four
units produced the following values: