As they waited for their departure time, they sat in a lounge and ate some yummy food. Jong Hyun took out a guide book and started quizzing Yura on the capital cities of certain countries and taught her how to say certain things for when they arrive in Bali. All of a sudden, Yura look to Jong Hyun and asked her if he noticed anything different about her. I’m usually pretty good at picking out new and little details about people, but I couldn’t tell what was different about her. Jong Hyun was on the struggle bus. He kept staring at her face and features, as she stroked her hair over and over again. He asked her if she dyed her hair, but she said that she parted her hair differently. Everyone in the studio audience, especially Eric Nam, was just like, “Uhh, please don’t ask those kinds of hard questions.” No one noticed the slight hair change.