Solid inclusions were uncommon. Inclusions of
plagioclase (figure 14) had Raman spectra consistent with
albite or oligoclase. Platelets of phlogopite (figure 15, left)
and hematite were also observed, as well as minute inclusions
of quartz (figure 15, right). Occasi onally, fluid
inclusions contained captured minerals that were doubly
refractive under crossed polarizers. In one case, the
captured minerals were identified by Raman analysis as
carbonate and mica (probably magnesite and muscovite),
and also bertrandite (figures 16 and 17).
Solid inclusions were uncommon. Inclusions ofplagioclase (figure 14) had Raman spectra consistent withalbite or oligoclase. Platelets of phlogopite (figure 15, left)and hematite were also observed, as well as minute inclusionsof quartz (figure 15, right). Occasi onally, fluidinclusions contained captured minerals that were doublyrefractive under crossed polarizers. In one case, thecaptured minerals were identified by Raman analysis ascarbonate and mica (probably magnesite and muscovite),and also bertrandite (figures 16 and 17).
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