Coupled to the three forms of policy action described above the three main types of external sources
involved in the diffusion of technology to small businesses are public and non-profit organisations
(regional and national development organisations (RDOs/NDOs), regional technology advice centres
(RTACS) and chambers of commerce), private consultants (technology brokers, management consultants,
patent attorneys), and Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) (contract research firms, science
parks and technology centres). Technology transfer networks may comprise all three types although
homogeneous networks are usually easier to form and develop. Among st the three types public bodies
are best placed to undertake policy programmers, private companies concentrate on providing focused
assistance and RTOs provide technology knowledge and know-how. For small frms involved in
technology transfer networks key mechanisms include information transfer (newsletters and databases),
technology transfer (R&D audits), skills transfer (training) and specialist support (fnancial guidance).
Value for money of the mechanisms will be a key policy measure. Tere will need to be care that changes
in policy will not make a small company withdraw from technology transfer activities and that policy
reacts to difficult situations by providing small businesses with incentives.