Level in the feudalism of the western social and economic system is the system used in the society of Europe extensively during the middle ages . The heart of the system is to give land to exchange with the support of militaryThe participants are aware of the status and their functions in social systems. The relevance and responsible for one's superior and lower ourselves somehow.Officials claim the territory that it, as well as bishop because bishop prize is ruler of territory as well as the layman. Proletariat in this system are farmers or villeins. The phrase "feudal society" as defined by Marc Bloch offers a wider definition than Ganshof's and includes within the feudal structure not only the warrior aristocracy bound by vassalage, but also the peasantry bound by manorialism, and the estates of the Church. Thus the feudal order embraces society from top to bottom, though the "powerful and well-differentiated social group of the urban classes" came to occupy a distinct position to some extent outside the classical feudal hierarchy.