Beijing Grass, named "Ya pak-king", also known as "Ya thevada", originated in Southern China and is abundant in northern Thailand. In Traditional Used, the fresh leaves of M. Loriformis has been used extensively to treat various kind of cancer including those of liver, stomach, intestines, uterus, breast, lung as well as leukemia. It has also been shown that this kind of grass helps boost the immune system, heal respiratory diseases, loosen the mucus, fight cold, cough and allergy, reduce swollen lymph gland, heal bad lymph and inflamed wounds. It is also said to be able to reduce blood sugar levels.
The grass is considered a safe medicine by the World Herbal Organisation's herbal standards to build up immune system, antioxidant, Lymphoma, quick recover after the radiation treatment or chemotherapy, as it helps to detox your entire body system.
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