and reading about it does not convey the experience. Those
who turn their minds inward and act with full devotion can
live the splendour and beauty. The outer should not be neglected;
from out of the connection with the Divine we should
do everything with loving attention.
A symbol for the expression of purest love is the description
that Lakshmi is the consort of Lord Vishnu and always lives in
his heart. From time to time, Vishnu comes down as an avatar
and each time Lakshmi accompanies him. When he takes to a
Deva form, she appears in a Deva body. When he comes as a
human being, she takes to a human form. During his incarnation
as Rama she came as Sita. When he was born as Krishna,
she was Rukmini, the first of the eight wives of Krishna, and
she is considered the highest. She was the only one equivalent
to him in all aspects and she gave herself to him with
total devotion.