Phase III. Concluding a project
For three and four years old this last phase is largely taken up with dramatic play in the their project constructions.
Thus, if they have built a store or a hospital they wil be enacted roles associated with those settings.
The main thrust of the last phase of a project for the older children is completion of the individual and group work, and to summarize what has been learned.
A discussion about arranging ways for children to share with others their experience and what they decide they have learned from the project should be initiated before their interest in the topic wanes.
The third phase of the project can include visitors to see the work at an 'open house' or the class next dor could be invited to see some of the displays of the children's work.
It is also satisfying for the children to share their ideas with the principal and other interested teachers.
This offers a god debriefing experience for the class following the investment of considerable effort. Preparation for such an occasion provides real purpose for a review of the work achieved.
At this time the children can also be encouraged to evaluate their own work, to compare what has ben found out with the questions they generated during Phase I.
It is a god idea to remember that a project could go on to long and that almost any topic can be run into the ground! We present below a brief outline of haw a whole class project on a local river might proceed.