As from 1 January 2005, HEINEKEN established a share plan for the Executive Board and, as from 1 January 2006, HEINEKEN
also established a share plan for senior management (refer to note 29).
The grant date fair value, adjusted for expected dividends, of the share rights granted is recognised as personnel expenses with a corresponding
increase in equity (equity-settled) over the period that the employees become unconditionally entitled to the share rights. The costs of the
share plan for both the Executive Board and senior management members are spread evenly over the performance period, during which
vesting conditions are applicable subject to continued services. The total amount to be expensed is determined taking into consideration
the expected forfeitures.
At each balance sheet date, HEINEKEN revises its estimates of the number of share rights that are expected to vest, for the 100 per cent
internal performance conditions of the running share plans for the senior management members and the Executive Board. It recognises the
impact of the revision of original estimates (only applicable for internal performance conditions, if any) in profit or loss, with a corresponding
adjustment to equity.