Within the game you are also given the freedom to choose your characters, known as "champions", and your strategy
Meaning: a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose
Thai Translation: ยุทธวิธี, กลวิธี
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. The game play is extremely fast which puts you on the edge of your seat every time.
For those who really want to test their skills, LoL has a ranking system where you can work your way up through seven levels from Bronze through Challenger. If you win, you get points according to your performance and advance upwards. If you lose, points are lost and you drop down.
I heard about the recent Thailand Game Show Mini-tournament through the local LoL website from Garena and from friends whose rankings are at the semi-professional level (Diamond, Master and Challenger). They wanted to play in the tournament to test their skills in a competitive environment and they started a small team. I was put in as a substitute for the team in case we needed to use a different strategy where I was stronger and more confident in that role than another player.
We had seven members on our team. We had six players in total and one coach. Our team were hand-picked players with high-rankings. Our coach, Natthaphat "kAm4eL" Phanom-ooppatham, was from a rookie Thai Challenger team called Team Ozone. We had training sessions for six to eight hours a day to work on team-play, team composition and strategy. However, since it was an open tournament, other teams had players of all levels.