The literature presents some solutions to reduce vehicle
congestions to reduce travel time, fuel consumption and CO2
emissions. Most studies found focuses on communication vehicles
with intelligent traffic lights. This approach can be found
in work [8] and [9], where the goal is to reduce the time that
the vehicles stays stopped at the red signal, thus contributing
for a continuous traffic. To this, a mechanism is used to predict
when the traffic light will change the state, reducing stops
at traffic lights. It is also implemented a mechanism to turn
off the vehicles motor when they are waiting for the traffic
light change their state to green [9], thus helping to reduce
fuel consumption. The AUDI implemented a system with the
same concepts of the work of [8], [9]. The system is known
as Audi Online traffic light information, which the vehicles
are connected to the traffic lights and they inform the vehicles
of its current state and the remaining time to the next state.
With this information, the vehicles tells to the drivers the best
speed to avoid the red state of traffic lights. The results showed
a possible reduction in CO2 emissions of up to 15% [10].