Since we were controlling the experiments for changes in inflow
magnitude and frequency and their affect on nutrient availability
and flushing rate, all other parameters (light, temperature,
turbidity, salinity) were held constant across each experiment.
Photoperiod for all experiments was 12 h light/dark cycle, using
cool white fluorescent bulbs as the light source. Accounting for the
change in natural irradiance values depending on time of day (i.e.,
low in the morning and evening, high in the afternoon), we set
irradiance at 200 mEm2s1 (Buyukates and Roelke, 2005a). This
value was in the range of typical light saturated photosynthesis
rates of many phytoplankton (Kirk, 1994). We also held temperature
constant during each experiment at the same level of the bay
during the time of water collection (Table 1). An aerator powered
through a time-delay relay (5 s on/40 s off) controlled the turbulence.
Periphyton growth was inhibited by covering all horizontal