I have my job in my dream. It have four important characteristic. It is a pilot.
First of all ,pilot are responsibilities .They are to wok concern safety of person life.
He and She is dedicated for every person. They have not to possess with family.
Sometimes they to blunder everything in them life.Second,pillowcase self-confident.
They give instruction to passengers, and they must be firm enough so that passengers
obey them .This characterirsticis especially important in emergencies.And momentous
to be decide peerson. Third pilot is a leader . He and She like to captain of airplane.
They to accep very problem and to dare decide. Another pilot like travel.Because they
go to very city in the world.He and She don't live at house .They go to everywhere.
In short, pilot are responibilities , self-confident,is a leader and likes travel.Cause on
I loves pilot because it have prominent and distinguuished.