Technology foresight considerations in creating the future of Thailand's industries
Economic sector
Specific considerations
Biotechnology to improve plant and animal breeding
Food quality assurance system for export increase
Reduce vulnerability and risk of foreign technology dependency
Clean technology for reducing environmental impact
Improvements in materials - composite material for effective production
R&D in supply chain management, customer relationship management, electronic commerce for online marketing Multi-modal transportation for improved service operation
Simulation for increased ability of aviation, shipping and transportation system
Education, culture, healthcare and welfare system
Classroom instruction with wide applications to improve human capital
Advanced medical systems for replacement of traditional treatment to improve the quality of life for patients
Research in post-genomic medicine for improved genetic study
Production of essential pharmaceuticals for domestic use
R&D to improve and sustain the environment
Development of eco-system to protect the environment
Energy saving and pollution control
Clean technology for environmental quality
Contribution to technology recycling
Energy-saving and energy efficiency
Biomass - natural gas, water as alternative energy sources to aid sustainable economic development
Solar cell to improve electricity generation
Communication and telecommunication
Hardware (computer components) and software to support high performance computing activities
Advanced network of internet protocol to better communication
Source: S&T 2020 vision - status and strategies (The National science and Technology Development Agency)