The dead
The story “Sleeping Beauty” this story talk about sleeping beauty, she is cursed from the wicked fairy if the princess is stabbed from spindle she must die. A spindle refers to die. Firstly, a painful brings to dying. We can not to accept a painful. The princess pities because she can not to know before. Secondly, a painful that the most hurt from lover’s us. We are very sad when we get to hurt from lover’s us. We should not earnest with another people. Finally, dying like to reborn. We can patient for hurt and can restraint one’s mind. We should not love to other people besides family and ourselves.
In this story, the princess is stabbed from spindle when she is 18 years old and she dies of the wound. If who can spinning-wheel, the princess can resurrect. Firstly, a painful brings to dying. We should to patient for painful like the princess sleeps for 10 years. The princess maybe frustrates and suffers. We should patient for other people or people are not love us but we should love who love us. Secondly, a painful that the most hurt from lover’s us. We cannot know in heart. He maybe feint or lying for advantage. Like we die to live with suffering. We will serious and maybe suicide. We feel painful but a long time we can forget to the hurt. Finally, die like to reborn. When we accept a fact, we become to a new people or reborn. Like the princess that the prince help to her and the princess resurrect, the princess likes the reborn. The princess gets to hear a good new because the princess marries with the prince. She is a happy. Nobody in this world that they are bad everybody to a good people wait to our.
Everybody cannoy to escape die but we spend life is a valuable. We will not pity that we maybe make. We will sad that we cannot make in the heart. In unfortune still has a goodluck because the princess ever see anything further. She lived a long and happy life, like any other ordinary woman, and died at length, beloved, regretted but the prince being already no more, perfectly contented.